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Spring Internship Opportunity with Justice At Stake
December 26, 2019

Justice at Stake needs dynamic interns to assist with important projects related to JAS’s core mission. Internships are available for every academic term, including summers. For interested students, Justice at Stake can work with schools to arrange academic credit.

Project Interns Will: 

  • Research, draft, and revise JAS work product;
  • Assist with outreach to partners, allies, and media contacts;
  • Help plan and organize events promoting JAS initiatives;
  • Provide support for the organization’s online presence and contribute to JAS’s blog,www.gavelgrab.org;
  • Attend and report on events of interest, including on Capitol Hill; and
  • Help with occasional administrative tasks.

Traits Sought in Ideal Candidates:

  • Reliable, strong self-starter and creative, independent worker and thinker;
  • Academic and/or work background in and knowledge of state and federal judiciary, constitutional issues, politics, and the interplay between branches of government;
  • Experience working on public advocacy or political campaigns;
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills;
  • Campus or other press experience;
  • Strong commitment to JAS’s principles; and
  • Willingness to take on a variety of tasks.

Interested candidates should examine the JAS website and send a statement of interest and resume to interns@justiceatstake.org. Travel stipends are available upon request.