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Literary Hill Bookfest at Eastern Market
December 27, 2019
Bookfest at Eastern Market

Mary Z. Gray returns to the Hill this Sunday for
the Literary Hill Bookfest

 Mary Z. Gray, the delightful 93-year-old author of 301 East Capitol: Tales From the Heart of the Hill, will be on hand this Sunday, May 6, to sign books and answer your questions at the Literary Hill Bookfest in the north hall of Eastern Market. The event runs from 11:00 to 3:00 and Gray will speak briefly at noon.

Gray’s book, which describes in captivating detail the Capitol Hill of her 1920s childhood, has become a local sensation, drawing overflow crowds to three previous book-signing events in the neighborhood.

A writer all her adult life, Gray served as a speechwriter in the Kennedy-Johnson White House and contributed witty, flawlessly crafted articles to The Washington Post, The New York Times and other publications for over half a century. Cul de Sac creator Richard Thompson calls her “one of the funniest raconteurs I know.”

 The Literary Hill Bookfest (www.LiteraryHillBookfest.org) will include more than 30 local authors this year. It’s an opportunity meet and talk to these writers and purchase their books.

 Published by the Overbeck History Press, 301 East Capitol is also available at www.Amazon.com and at local stores, including Riverby Books, Capitol Hill Books, Hill’s Kitchen and Two Lions Antiques.

 The Overbeck Press is part of the Ruth Ann Overbeck Capitol Hill History Project, an initiative of the Capitol Hill Community Foundation.