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#WISHMoveIn Twitter Party Part Two!
December 20, 2019
Washington Intern Study Experience

Last week we posted Part One of our Twitter party. Below, we have our #WISHMoveIn Twitter Party Part Two. All of your questions about WISH Housing are answered below!

Questions About Restaurants:

We’re not even surprised that the Twitter party started off with questions about food! The first question of the night and many more following it was about the great and not so great food in DC!

#WISHMoveIn Twitter PartyQ: What is the best restaurant in the surrounding neighborhood? #WISHMoveIn

A: It all depends on where you live. WISH has locations on Capitol Hill and Woodley Park neighborhoods. Most places you should try are in walking distance of each other. Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, and Eastern Market/Barracks Row is full of local DC restaurants.

Q: Are There Starbucks’ within walking distance from your complexes?

A: Most likely- yes! DC has Starbucks all around along with other great local options for breaks and coffee, such as Ebenezers Coffeehouse.

Q: What are great places  to eat on or near Capitol Hill?

A:  Try Union Pub, 201 Bar, Tortilla Coast, Medium Rare, Bullfeathers, Jack Rose or any restaurant near Eastern Market. They have great happy hour prices!

Q: Where can I find cheap but free food for breakfast?

A: Brunch is huge in DC. There are so many places that offer unlimited drinks with their brunch menu! Be sure to make a reservation though to save a spot because the restaurants fill up fast on Sundays!

What about cooking your own food? Where are the closest grocery stores? And how are you supposed to get groceries if you don’t have a car to put them in.? We’re glad that you asked!

friends-cooking-togetherQ: What do you suggest for going to buy your own groceries if you do not have a car?

A:  Peapod Delivers is an excellent service to take advantage of  groceries delivered straight to your door! They even sometimes have a deal for first time users! Another option to also consider is Safeway. They also have a delivery service on their website! The last thing, you could also do is Uber home from the grocery store or invest in some sturdy canvas bags to carry your load.

Questions About Things To Do:

WISH holds an event for residents once a week! There is always free food and a great time to meet and network with other residents, guest speakers, and panelist.  This summer we have a jammed packed schedule including career night, a midnight monument tour, a Nationals Baseball game and so much more. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @WISHHousing to see photos and videos from the events. Also here is a link to our events calendar!

There were many questions about what to do in DC. Here are some of our favorites ones!

tag tweetQ: Are there any free, fun activities I can do in DC?#WISHMoveIn

A: Besides our weekly WISH hosted events, we post a Things To Do Newletter about every 2 weeks. Here is a link to our blog! Also check out twitter pages for other fun things to do that come up throughout the weeks!

Q: What’s your favorite low budget activity to do in dc? #WISHMoveIn

A: Happy Hour.  We say this just because it is the best way to meet people while having a good time as well!

Q: What tips do you have for meeting people outside of your house/apartment? #WISHMoveIn

A:  Come to all of the free WISH events! It is a great chance to network! We also recommend getting to know people in your internship our your office!

That’s all folks! Thank you for reading our #WISHMoveIn Twitter Party Part Two. We want to thank everyone for participating! Stay connected with us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for more updates on future events and contests!