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WISH Seminar: Why are you here? In the end- why the system actually works
December 24, 2019
What It’s Really Like Interning In DC

Why are you here? In the end- why the system actually works

Thursday, February 20th

Speaker: Ryan Schucard
Location: WISH Classroom


Ryan Shucard was recently hired as the Media Relations Manager for the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries in order to elevate the profile of the organization in top tier media markets. He is also responsible for drafting press releases, communications plans and quotes.

Prior to arriving at ASPPA, Ryan worked on in-state grassroots campaigns at a private political consulting and communications firm working primarily on telecommunications and transportation infrastructure issues. He has worked in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives for former Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Representative Scott Tipton (R-CO-3) – primarily in press and communications. 

Ryan first arrived in Washington DC in the summer of 2011 after graduating from the University of Northern Colorado with two bachelor degrees in public relations and political science. His first job was part-time working for former NATO Ambassador David Abshire at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. 

If Ryan could invite three people, living or deceased, to a private dinner party, he’d include George Washington, Ted Nugent and Anthony Bourdain – while Emeril Lagasse as chef. He’s a Colorado native, loves the snow and enjoys vacuuming.

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