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WISH Career Night – Tuesday, June 18th
December 26, 2019
Things to Do in February Part 1

WISH Career Night on Capitol Hill
Tuesday June 18, 2013
6:15 PM Pizza/ 6:30 Panel

Where: WISH Classroom (contact WISH for location)

What:  An informative panel of former interns and young professionals discuss ways to make the most of your DC experiences and to continue benefitting from your DC internship after the summer’s end.  Insights and tips will include skill building, networking, gaining better work projects, and proven strategies for gaining full-time positions in DC or back home after you graduate.  Panelists will represent many career fields including government, nonprofits, corporate, media, lobbying, and political advocacy.

Event also includes audience Q and A and intern networking session.

RSVP: Required via email to interns@internsdc.com.

Scheduled Participants Include:
–  Bradley Ballou (Director Federal Relations, University of North Carolina)
–  Abe Henry (Program/ Financial Specialist at Banyan Global)
–  Jay Hunter (Senior Researcher, CQ Roll Call)
–  Kindall Johnson (US Department of Homeland Security)
–  Steven Lucas (Project Finance Assistant, Overseas Private Investment Corporation)
–  Gerald Prado (Networks and Projects Officer, Organization of American States)

Panelists include several former interns who transitioned into full-time positions, and more seasoned professionals.