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WISH Interns are Rocking Democracy in DC
May 16, 2018
Rocking Democracy

WISH Interns are Rocking Democracy in DC!

A picture is worth a thousand words and our WISH interns are truly rocking DC working in the halls of power, in and around Capitol Hill.   We asked a few Washington interns to submit recent pics of themselves with some of the DC elite that they’ve met during their internship.  Here are some of the movers and shakers in DC rocking it for democracy.

Miami, Ohio student Nina Franco with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Liberty student Alex Fornwalt is with HUD Secretary Ben Carson in the front yard of the White House.

Centre student Erin Raque with Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Student James Davis with Bill Nye “The Science Guy.”

California State University Jordan Dixon Hamilton with Senator Ted Cruz.

We are excited about new incoming summer interns.  Share with us your experiences.  Interested in the Fall Semester in DC? Go to our website now and fill out an application:  InternsDC.com.