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US Senate Approves $5 Million for Paid Internships
June 19, 2018
US Senate Approves $5 Million for Paid Internships

US Senate Approves $5 Million for Paid Internships

Interning on Capitol Hill just got a bit better for would-be interns looking to make their mark in DC, and WISH is ready to capitalize for our students. The US Senate recently passed a $5 million-dollar budget to pay interns from every part of the country. This means paying internships enabling students, who cannot afford unpaid internship, to have an opportunity to gain experience up on the Hill.

WISH Housing works very closely with many Senators and Congressional leaders.  Here are some recent examples of WISH interns rubbing elbows and making their marks on Capitol Hill:

WISH has the contacts and reputation to secure dream jobs through WISH internships.  See first and how WISH “internships change lives.”

Go to www.InternsDC.com to learn how you can be our next WISH intern.

To read more about the Senate Approval please visit:  Senate Appropriations $5 Million to Pay Interns.