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Spring Internship Opportunity- The Institute of World Politics
December 27, 2019
10 Tips To Turn Your Internship Into A Job


The Institute of World Politics is one of the few graduate schools that offers internships designed specifically to prepare you for a career in national security and statecraft.  IWP offers some of the best internship opportunities in the Washington, DC area and is distinguished by its scholar-practitioners who served in past presidential administrations, including those of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.

Interns conduct research with IWP scholar-practitioners, and are able to explore career options in national security and international affairs. Based in the heart of Washington, DC, interns gain the advantage of networking with top policymakers and government officials, including IWP’s faculty.

Internship Periods and Deadlines to Apply

Spring 2013

Internship Period: January 22nd – May 10th

Application Deadline: November 1st 2012

For more information click HERE