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Spring 2016 Internship Opportunities
December 23, 2019
DC 101 True Power on Capitol Hill

Spring 2016 Internship Opportunities

  1. EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $400 million to support pro-choice Democratic women candidates – making it one of the most successful political organizations ever. We recruit and train candidates, support strong campaigns, research women’s issues, and turn out women voters. We’ve trained over 9,000 women to run and helped elect over 100 women to the House, 19 to the Senate, 11 governors, and over 700 to state and local office. Since its founding in 1985, almost one-third of the candidates EMILY’s List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color – including every single Latina, African American, and Asian American Democratic congresswoman currently serving.There are internships available in 9 different departments at Emily’s List. See the repsonsibilites & qualifications HERE.  Visit http://www.emilyslist.org/pages/entry/internships-learn-more to learn more and apply!
  2. Congressman Doug Collins’ Office (GA-09) is currently seeking legislative interns for the Spring 2016 Semester. Congressman Collins chooses two interns each Fall, Spring and Summer to help with legislative and administrative duties in his Washington, D.C. Office. Interns learn the ins and outs of the legislative process, work with a number of different policy issues and obtain real-world work experience that is relevant to a wide range of college majors. Our office is currently seeking hardworking and motivated college sophomores, juniors, seniors, or recent graduates who would like to spend a semester working as a key part our Washington DC Office. Working for the U.S. House of Representatives provides students with on the job experience, networking opportunities and exposes interns to a broad range of current issues before Congress. Please email Harrison Payne (Harrison.payne@mail.house.gov) with a resume and cover letter if interested.  Full time and part time interns are welcome to apply.

Harrison Payne
Office of Congressman Doug Collins (GA-09)
1504 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-9893 (office)