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Osgood Center for International Studies: Model Security Council
December 26, 2019
If your dream is to work in a major U.S. city

This March, the Osgood Center offers a program that focuses on the only United Nations body capable of creating binding legislation – the Security Council. On March 14-15, participants will engage as representatives of the 15 Security Council Member States in discussion of issues such as: The Situation in Syria; Addressing Drone Strikes in Sovereign States; Securing Aid in the Central African Republic. Model United Nations is an exciting way for students to learn about the cutting edge issues in international affairs and increase their awareness of different systems of government, international law, and international organizations, while gaining valuable researching, public speaking, and decision-making skills.un

Osgood Center for International Studies: Model Security Council

$85 program fee is due by February 3, 2014


March 14
State Department: 3-4pm (Opening Ceremonies)
Session I: 6-9pm (NOMA)

March 15
Session II: 9am-12pm
Session III: 2-4:30pm

Closing Ceremonies: 4:45-5:30pm (NOMA) 

The following is a link to our website which will provide you with more information about the topics which will be discussed in the simulation.

Please contact Darcy Capps if you would like additional training training or if you have questions before this event at 903-241-4104 or by email at dcapps@osgoodcenter.org.