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Midterm Election 2014: Complete List of Women Running for Congress
December 24, 2019
10 Career Quotes to Start Your Year Off Right

To my fellow WISH Champions for Equality-

Capitol Hill being a man’s world is shocking news to no one. Roughly seven months ago, Florida Congressman Steve Southerland notoriously hosted a “no girls allowed” fundraiser, sending out invitations boldly instructing donors to “tell the misses not to wait up” because of all the whiskey and cigars that would be consumed late into the evening.  Sure, that brand of sexism is so achingly 1950s (“Honey I’m home, is dinner ready yet”), but maybe it’s supposed to be sorta funny.  As if.

Did you know only 18.9% of congressmen are congresswomen?  That’s right.  Despite the fact that our population is more or less split down the middle, that “marble ceiling” stands firm, and now, almost 100 years after women received the vote, less than 1/5 of our representation is female.

But this year, the big 20% might finally be met for the first time in our government’s history. There’s a slew of women running for office in November, and if things shake out a certain way, we could see some records shattering.


15 women are running for Senate: 10 Democrats and 5 Republicans.


  • Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) (D)
  • Kay Hagan (North Carolina) (D)
  • Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire) (D)
  • Susan Collins (Maine) (R)

Open Seats:

  • Michelle Nunn (Georgia) (D)
  • Natalie Tennant (West Virginia) (D)
  • Amanda Curtis (Montana) (D)
  • Constance Johnson (Oklahoma) (D)
  • Terri Lynne Land (Michigan) (R)
  • Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia) (R)
  • Joni Ernst (Iowa) (R)


  • Alison Lundergan Grimes (Kentucky) (D)
  • Sheena Bellows (Maine) (D)
  • Joyce Dickerson (South Carolina) (D)
  • Monica Wehby (Oregon)(R)

House of Representatives

On the house side, 108 women are running, slightly down for the Democrats during the 2012 midterm elections, but slightly up for Republicans.

Alabama 2nd District

Martha Roby (R) (Incumbent) v Erick Wright (D)

Arizona 1st District

Ann Kirkpatrick (D) (Incumbent) v Andy Tobin (R)

Arizona 2nd District

Ron Barber (D) (Incumbent) v Martha McSally (R)

Arizona 3rd District

Raul Grijalva (D) (Incumbent) v Gabriela Saucedo Mercer (R)

Arizona 9th District

Krysten Sinema (D) (Incumbent) v Wendy Rogers (R)

California 1st District

Doug La Malfa (R) (Incumbent) v Heidi Hall (D)

California 6th District

Doris Matsui (D) (Incumbent) v Joseph McCray Senior (R)

California 12th District

Nancy Pelosi (D) (Incumbent) v John Dennis (R)

California 13th District

Barbara Lee (D) (Incumbent) v Dakin Sundeen (R)

California 14th District

Jackie Speier (D) (Incumbent) v Robin Chew (R)

California 18th District

Anna Eshoo (D) (Incumbent) v Richard Fox (R)

California 19th District

Zoe Lofgren (D) v Robert Murray (D) (Redistricting)

California 21st District

David Valadao (R) (Incumbent) v Amanda Renteria (D)

California 22nd District

Devin Nunes (R) (Incumbent) v Suzanna Aguilera-Marrero (D)

California 24th District

Lois Capps (D) (Incumbent) v Chris Mitchum (R)

California 26th District

Julia Brownley (D) (Incumbent) v Jeff Gorell (R)

California 27th District

Judy Chu (D) (Incumbent) v Jack Orswell (R)

California 32nd District

Grace Napolitano (D) (Incumbent) v  Art Alas (R)

California 35th District

Norma Torres (D) (Incumbent) v Christina Gagnier (D)

California 37th District

Karen Bass (D) (Incumbent) v Adam King (R)

California 38th District

Linda Sanchez (D) (Incumbent) v Benjamin Campos (R)

California 40th District

Lucille Royball-Allard (D) (Incumbent) v David Sanchez (D)

California 43rd District

Maxine Waters (D) (Incumbent) v John Wood (R)

California 44th District

Janice Hahn (D) (Incumbent) v Adam Shbeita (R)

California 45th District

Mimi Walters (R) v Drew Leavens (D)

California 46th District

Loretta Sanchez (D) (Incumbent) v  Adam Nick (R)

California 48th District

Dana Rohrabacher (R) (Incumbent) v Sue Savary (D)

California 53rd District

Susan Davis (D) (Incumbent) v Larry Wilske (R)

Colorado 1st District

Diana DeGette (D) (Incumbent) v Martin Walsh (R)

Connecticut 2nd District

Joe Courtney (D) (Incumbent) v Lori Hopkins-Cavanagh (R)

Connecticut 3rd District

Rosa DeLauro (D) (Incumbent) v James Brown (R)

Connecticut 5th District

Elizabeth Esty (D) (Incumbent) v Mark Greenberg (R)

Delaware 1st District

John C Carney Jr. (D) (Incumbent) v Rose Izzo (R)

Florida 2nd District

Steve Southerland (R) (Incumbent) v Gwen Graham (D)

Florida 3rd District

Ted Yoho (R) (Incumbent) v Marihelen Wheeler (D)

Florida 5th District

Glorothea Scurry Smith (R) Incumbent v Corinne Brown (D)

Florida 9th District

Carol Platt (R) v Alan Grayson (D) (Incumbent)

Florida 19th District

Curt Clawson (R) (Incumbent) v April Freeman (D)

Florida 22nd District

Lois Frankel (D) (Incumbent) v Paul Spain (R)

Florida 23rd District

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) (Incumbent) v Joe Kauffman

Florida 24th District

Frederica Wilson (D) (Incumbent) v Dufirstson Julio Neree (R)

Hawaii 2nd District

Tulsi Gabbard (D) (Incumbent) v Kawika Crowley (R)

Idaho 1st District

Shirley Ringo (D) v Raul Labrador (R) (Incumbent)

Illinois 2nd District

Robin Kelly (D) (Incumbent) v Eric Wallace (R)

Illinois 3rd District

Sharon Brannigan (R)  v Daniel Lipinski (D)

Illinois 8th District

Tammy Duckworth (D) (Incumbent) v Lawrence Kaifesh (R)

Illinois 9th District

Janice Schakowsky (D) (Incumbent) v Susanne Atanus (R)

Illinois 11th District

Darlene Senger (R) v Bill Foster (D) (Incumbent)

Illinois 13th District

Rodney Davis (R) (Incumbent) v Ann Callis (D)

Illinois 17th District

Cheri Bustos (D) (Incumbent) v Bob Schilling (R)

Indiana 2nd District

Jackie Walorski (R) (Incumbent) v Joe Bock (D)

Indiana 5th District

Susan Brooks (R) (Incumbent) v Shawn Denney (D)

Indiana 6th District

Luke Messer (R) (Incumbent) v Susan Hall Heitzman (D)

Indiana 7th District

Catherine Ping (R) v Andre Carson (D) (Incumbent)

Iowa 2nd District

Dave Loebsack (D) (Incumbent) v Mariannette Miller Meeks (R)

Iowa 3rd District

David Young (R) (Incumbent) v Staci Apple (D)

Kansas 2nd District

Lynn Jenkins (R) (Incumbent) v Margie Wakefield (D)

Kansas 3rd District

Kevin Yoder (R) (Incumbent) v Kelly Kultala (D)

Kentucky 6th District

Andy Barr (R) (Incumbent) v Elisabeth Jensen (D)

Maine 1st District

Chellie Pingree (D) (Incumbent) v Isaac Misiuk (R)

Maine 2nd District

Bruce Poliquin (R) v Emily Cain (D)

Maryland 4th District

Nancy Hoyt (R) v Donna Edwards (D) (Incumbent)

Massachusetts 3rd District

Niki Tsongas (D) (Incumbent) v Roseann Ehrhard Wofford (R)

Michigan 7th District

Tim Walberg (R) v Pam Byrnes (D)

Michigan 10th District

Candice Miller (R) (Incumbent) v Chuck Stadler (D)

Michigan 12th District

Debbie Dingell (D) v Terry Bowman (R)

Minnesota 3rd District

Erik Paulson (R) v Sharon Sund (D)

Minnesota 4th District

Betty McCollum (D) (Incumbent) v Sharna Walgreen (R)

Missouri 2nd District

Ann Wagner (R) (Incumbent) v Arthur Lieber (D)

Missouri 3rd District

Courtney Denton (D) v Blaine Luetkemeyer (R) (Incumbent) 

Missouri 4th District

Vicky Hartzler (R) (Incumbent) v Nate Irvin (D)

Missouri 8th District

Barbara Stocker (D) v Jason Smith (R) (Incumbent)

Nevada 1st District

Annette Teijeiro (R) v Dina Titus (D) (Incumbent)

Nevada 2nd District

Mark Amodei (R) (Incumbent) v Kristen Spees (D)

Nevada 3rd District

Joe Heck (R) (Incumbent) v Erin Bilbray (D)

New Hampshire 1st District

Carol Shea-Porter (D) (Incumbent) v Frank Guinta (R)

New Hampshire 2nd District

Anne Kuster (D) (Incumbent) v Marilinda Garcia (R)

New Jersey 3rd District

Tom McArthur (R) v Aimee Belgard (D)

New Jersey 7th District

Leonard Lance (R) (Incumbent) v Janice Kovach (D)

New Jersey 9th District

Dierdre Paul (R) v Bill Pascrell (D) (Incumbent)

New Jersey 10th District

Yolanda Dentley (R) v Donald Payne Jr. (D) (Incumbent)

New Jersey 12th District

Alieta Eck (R) v Bonnie Watson Coleman (D)

New Mexico 1st District

Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) (Incumbent) v Mike Frese (R)

New Mexico 2nd District

Steve Pearce (R) (Incumbent) v Roxanne Lara (D)

New York 2nd District

Peter King (R) (Incumbent) v Patricia M. Maher (D)

New York 4th District

Kathleen Rice (D) (Incumbent) v Bruce Blakerman (R)

New York 7th District

Nydia Velasquez (D) (Incumbent) v Jose Luis Fernandez (R)

New York 9th District

Yvette D. Clarke (D) (Incumbent) v Daniel Cavanagh (R)

New York 12th District

Nick Di Iorio (R) v Carolyn Maloney (D) (Incumbent)

New York 17th District

Nita Lowey (D) (Incumbent) v Chris Day (R)

New York 18th District

Nan Hayworth (R) v Sean Maloney (D) (Incumbent)

New York 21st District

Elise Stefanik (R) v Aaron Woolf (D)

New York 23rd District

Martha Robertson (D) v Tom Reed (R) (Incumbent)

New York 25th District

Louise Slaughter (D) (Incumbent) v Mark Assini (R)

New York 26th District

Kathy Weppner (R) v Brian Higgins (D) (Incumbent)

North Carolina 2nd District

Renee Ellmers (R) (Incumbent) v Clay Aiken (D)

North Carolina 5th District

Virginia Foxx (R) (Incumbent) v Josh Brannon (D)

North Carolina 6th District

Laura Fjeld (D) v Mark Walker (R)

North Carolina 12th District

Alma Adams (D) v Vince Coakley (R)

North Carolina 13th District

Brenda Cleary (D) v George Holding (R)

Ohio 3rd District

Joyce Beatty (D) (Incumbent) v John Adams (R)

Ohio 4th District

Janet Garrett (D) v Jim Jordan (R) (Incumbent)

Ohio 6th District

Bill Johnson (R) (Incumbent) v Jennifer Garrison (D)

Ohio 9th District

Marcy Kaptur (D) (Incumbent) v Richard May (R)

Ohio 11th District

Marcia L. Fudge (D) (Incumbent) v Mark Zetzer (R)

Oregon 1st District

Suzanne Bonamici (D) (Incumbent) v Jason Yates (R)

Oregon 2nd District

Aelea Christofferson (D) v Greg Walden (R) (Incumbent)

Oregon 5th District

Tootie Smith (R) v Kurt Schrader (D) (Incumbent)

Pennsylvania 1st District

Robert Brady (D) (Incumbent) v Megan Rath (R)

Pennsylvania 4th District

Linda D. Thompson (D) v Scott Perry (R) (Incumbent)

Pennsylvania 7th District

Patrick Meehan (R) (Incumbent) v Mary Ellen Balchunis (D)

Pennsylvania 9th District

Bill Shuster (R) (Incumbent) v Alanna Hartzok (D)

South Carolina 3rd District

Jeff Duncan (R) v Barbara Jo Mullis (D)

South Carolina 7th District

Tom Rice (R) v Gloria Bromwell-Tinubu (D)

South Dakota 1st District

Kristi Noem (R) (Incumbent) v  Corinna Robinson (D)

Tennessee 3rd District

Mary Headrick (D) v Charles Fleischmann (R) (Incumbent)

Tennessee 4th District

Lenda Sherrell (D) v Scott Desjarlais (R)

Tennessee 6th District

Diane Black (R) (Incumbent) v Amos Powers (D)

Tennessee 7th District

Marsha Blackburn (R) (Incumbent) v Dan Cramer (D)

Tennessee 9th District

Steve Cohen (D) (Incumbent) v Charlotte Bergmann (R)

Texas 1st District

Shirley Mckellar (D) v Louie Gohmert (R) (Incumbent)

Texas 10th District

Tawana Walter-Cadien (D) v Michael McCaul (R) (Incumbent)

Texas 12th District

Kay Granger (R) (Incumbent) v Mark Greene (D)

Texas 18th District

Sheila Jackson Lee (D) (Incumbent) v Sean Seibert (R)

Texas 35th District

Susan Narvaiz (R) v Lloyd Doggett (D) (Incumbent)

Utah 1st District

Rob Bishop (R) (Incumbent) v Donna McAleer (D)

Utah 4th District

Mia Love (R) v Doug Owens (D)

Virginia 2nd District

Suzanne Patrick (D) v Scott Rigell (R) (Incumbent)

Virginia 10th District

Barbara Comstock (R) v John Foust (D)

Virginia 11th District

Suzanne Scholte (R) v Gerald Connolly (D) (Incumbent)

Washington 1st District

Suzan DelBene (D) (Incumbent) v Pedro Celis (R)

Washington 3rd District

Jaime Herrera Beutler (R) (Incumbent) v Bob Dingethal (D)

Washington 5th District

Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R) (Incumbent) v Joseph Pakootas (D)

Washington 10th District

Joyce McDonald (R) v Dennis Heck (D) (Incumbent)

Wisconsin 4th District

Gwen Moore (D) (Incumbent) v Dan Sebrig (R)

Wisconsin 7th District

Kelly Westlund (D) v Sean Duffy (R) (Incumbent)

Wyoming 1st District

Cynthia Lumis (R) (Incumbent) v Richard Grayson (D)

Overall, current predictions see a slight gain in female seats which means that 20% threshold could finally be passed.  Nothing’s set in stone till the night of November 4th, of course.

Make sure you’ve signed up for absentee voting if you’re not living in your home district.  It’s a heated election this year, people. Remember: voting is your right to complain.  (And complaining is sort of what I do. Everyone has a beat.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]