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Log Cabin Republicans Fall ’14 Internship
December 24, 2019
Washington DC Looks Good on Me

Log Cabin Republicans Fall 2014 Internship

Ever dreamed of the adrenaline rush of meeting your conservative heroes in-person, spending time on Capitol Hill, and making a difference for gay Americans? Log Cabin Republicans is accepting applications now for fall internships. If you are an advocate of conservative principles and are interested in shaping the future of the Republican Party, we encourage you to apply. See the opportunities page for information.

Interns at Log Cabin Republicans enjoy an unparalleled immersive experience in Washington, D.C., including attendance at meetings with conservative leaders, participation in communications initiatives, coordination of social media campaigns, and participation in lobbying efforts on the Hill. Truly a D.C. internship like no other, if you are interested in gaining an insiders’ view of the inner-workings of D.C., then an internship with Log Cabin Republicans is for you.

To learn more about this fast-paced, hands-on professional opportunity, send your resume and cover letter to executiveassistant@logcabin.org. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. University credit available. Interns are paid an honorarium.

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing gay conservatives and allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.

1090 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20005