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Home 5 Positively Positive! 5 Hideously Ugly Holiday Sweaters to Cheer You up This Year
Hideously Ugly Holiday Sweaters to Cheer You up This Year
December 6, 2016
Things to Do in February Part 1

Be the center of attention at your next holiday party! Piss off mom when you’re home! (or make her laugh…) Light up the room when all other lights go out or surprise a friend with the perfect gift.

We’ve rounded up the most hideously awesome ugly holiday sweaters from the creative folks on Ebay to get you in a cheery mood.

Most sell for under $30 and some as low as $6.99. Perfect for gift-giving or admit it, you may find yourself wearing one. Many of these amazing concoctions are one of a kind. The devotion to creativity and imagination on Ebay, the Anti-Etsy, is nearly religious.

You’re welcome.

#1: Surprise Party!

This one just jumped off the page. The surprised look on his face, the well placed lights and the extra luxury touch of a cell phone pocket just rings in good cheer. Is that a Muppet?

#2: Game On!

For your annoying little brother who won’t put down the Game Boy, this one’s got you covered if you are looking for that special one of a kind gift. Or you just want to make a statement.

#3: You know you want it!

To tree or not to tree, of that there is no question.

#4: Don’t overthink it

There are a lot of tinsel-trimmed sweaters on Ebay. It must be a thing. But the angry cat and dangling ornaments made this ugly holiday sweater stand out. Didn’t have to think twice about including it.

#5: Oh Snap!

Bring a chuckle to the office party—we could all use a good laugh this year. These are just darn silly. You could even go to the party as a pair with a fellow intern.

#6: Pug Ugly

The many faces of Pugs always bring a smile. The added delight of the pom-poms and of course, a little required tinsel put this sweater smack in the ugly category.

#7: The Queen Reigns

We had to give a special mention to Deb Rottam, the Queen of ugly sweaters on Ebay. And proud of it too! Her imagination and sense of humor is out of control. Here she is in one of her creations, obviously enjoying herself. She doesn’t stop at sweaters either. She recycles just about anything onto just about anything.

#8: For all the Sheldon’s out there

Just the face of Darth Vader is ugly, but the Sheldon’s you know would love this. They can wear it while they eat enough Star Wars cereal to choke a Wookie.

#9: Your Face Here

Yes, this sweater is customizable with your own picture. I think it’s supposed to be an Elf, but it could be a fishbowl with a hat on it. Your call.

#10: Ho Ho Design your own

Feeling inspired yet? Use this kit to design your own. Feel free to add your own tinsel.

#11: White Christmas

Purple tinsel aside, this one’s a classic. I think I see duck’s feet on the right, some hearts for love, and ornaments aplenty!

#12: I Play Music

Yes, it does. Annoy friends and family alike at the dinner table with a spontaneous burst of song.

#13: You can’t change spots

I love this one just for the leopard patterned ornaments. Pair this with leopard leggings and red heels. The feathers do add a festive look.

#14: The Minion Deplorables Win

Wow, this may be the ugliest sweater of all. The stuck on Minions are intertwined with Santas, bows and naturally, tinsel. I think the google eyes on the Trump centerpiece light up. Now that’s ugly!

#15: What to wear with it

In case you need to accessorize, there are plenty of ugly shoes to run with on Ebay. Actually, these are rather tasteful!

#16: GOT the spirit?

OK, what happened at the door wasn’t so ho ho ho.

#17: All religions have a sense of humor

No one escapes the ugly sweater mania at holiday time. It’s all in fun anyway.

#18: Undecided

Send this one to Ken Bone and all the others who can’t make up their mind at election time or any time of year.

#19: Mazel Tov

Why not have a party and make cookies to go with your ugly sweater?

#20: Birthday Boy

This one probably goes into the tacky category.

#21: Don’t leave the dog out!

Dress up your pooch or kitty with an ugly costume designed to make them miserable. But so cute.

#22: For the Rest of Us!

Of course, there’s Festivus, for the rest of us.

Now you know what to do with your leftover Beanie Babies, candy canes, bows and leftover tinsel. Wear one or give one away, ugly holiday sweaters will bring in cheer this year!

Happy holidays from the team at The Wishington Post!