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Exciting Internship Opportunities at WISH Internships! Fall 2013/Spring 2014 Semester
December 26, 2019

WISH Internships is constantly attracting partnerships with new organizations, businesses, media, government agencies, and the US Congress. Students can identify career prospects while enhancing their employment credentials and can arrange for credit through your home college or university.

How Students Benefit: 

–          Obtain a premier internship placement in your field of study
–          Work with a developed professional network
–          Low program cost of $3000
–          Earn credit for you internship and augment with Portfolio Presentations, Site Visits and Seminars
–          Oversight throughout the semester to ensure your internship is substantive and rewarding
–          Strengthen verbal and written communication skills through portfolio presentations/briefings
–          Learn from a seasoned professional and enhance your internship experience through WI’s social and networking opportunities
–          Be a part of our residential life services: welcome receptions, social mixers, career night, and policy salons
–          Fully-Furnished, intern-only housing on Capitol Hill available through WISH Housing

To learn more, please visit our website at www.internshipsdc.com or contact us by phone (202) 548-2720 or email at info@internshipsdc.com.