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Congressman Ed Perlmutter Engages with WISH Residents 
March 5, 2020

Every year interns and students from around the world choose to elevate their professional resume by gaining work experience in the heart of the Nation’s Capital. They encounter professional opportunities as they thrive amid a busy political climate in Washington. Throughout the hustle and bustle, many of these DC interns choose to become WISH residents. WISH residents have multiple resources at their disposal and these resources often include elected officials from The Hill visiting WISH. US Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) engaged WISH residents conversing about Hill happenings.


Congressman Ed Perlmutter takes a photo with WISH residents from his Alma Mater University of Colorado, Boulder.


Congressman Ed Perlmutter spoke to the importance of the internship experience and encouraged students to take full advantage of their time here. He shared that during his early years, communities like WISH were not available, “I want to thank WISH for housing so many folks and making it easier for young people to experience Washington D.C.” When asked if he was ever an intern, he shared with WISH residents the value of having an internship experience and the difference it could make, “ While I did not have the opportunity to intern, I appreciate and value internship experience and look for that previous experience when hiring in my office.”

WISH residents eager to ask Congressman Perlmutter questions during Q and A session.

The Congressman discussed various topics with WISH residents including Colorado’s aerospace economy, affordable housing, and his personal life. He especially enjoys legislation involving science which is reflected by the committees he serves. One of his high priority items involves getting humans to Mars by 2033.  WISH residents including those from Congressman Perlmutter’s Alma Mater University of Colorado, Boulder enjoyed the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session.


One intern who works closely with parliamentary procedure inquired about Congressman Perlmutter’s favorite rule as Vice-Chair of Rules and Organization of the Colorado House. He explained when in the legislative session, a Colorado rule is used by both parties as parliamentary maneuvering tactics. Members simply request a bill to be read out loud and in full. This can result in a slower legislative process or kill a bill altogether.

Congressman Ed Perlmutter speaks with WISH residents.

Between landing humans on Mars by 2033 and ensuring stable and affordable housing is available to families in Colorado, WISH residents benefit from the time Congressman Perlmutter allotted to enhance their internship experience. WISH Vice President of School Partnerships & Student Engagement highlighted the importance of the Speaker Series offered every semester to WISH Residents, “The speakers who come to WISH provide invaluable insight into their respective fields. We are fortunate to have elected members from The Hill sharing their stories with our future leaders.”

Don’t miss out on the next speaker series! Visit our WISH Events Calendar at internsdc.com