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Congressional Internship for Fall 2012
December 27, 2019
office of Congressman Blake Farenthold


End Date: 9/15/2012

The office of Congressman Blake Farenthold (TX-27) is looking for interns for the fall of 2012 for our Washington, D.C. office. We are looking for highly qualified candidates that are motivated, detail-oriented, and personable. The ideal candidates will have excellent research and writing abilities, be able to multi-task and interact well with constituents. These are unpaid positions, but interns will have the opportunity to experience working on Capitol Hill, learn about the legislative process, and attend briefings of interest. Responsibilities include answering phones, assisting with constituent correspondence, and supporting the legislative and communication staff on various projects. Interested candidates should email a resume and cover letter to Jason Capeheart at jason.capeheart@mail.house.gov Texas ties are preferred, but not required.