4 Career Tips from WISH Alumni

4 Career Tips from WISH Alumni

Staying with WISH has many benefits for college interns, from the prime location to guaranteed intern-only neighbors. One benefit that students might not consider is having access to a network of WISH alumni who now have thriving careers, and the knowledge they have...
4 Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview

4 Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview

Allie COVID-19 has been changing the ways in which we conduct ourselves professionally, so here are 4 Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview. This has resulted in many internship recruiters conducting interviews through video call services like Zoom, Skype, and Cisco...
So…When Can I Expect an Offer?

So…When Can I Expect an Offer?

There are some things you just shouldn’t do during a job interview. Some are obvious, some not so much. Last week, we talked a little bit about personal branding and ways to make yourself stand out in a line of applicants. This week we’re going to talk...
In The Company You Keep

In The Company You Keep

Networking for Success Though you may not be aware of it, there is one thing you are probably doing on a daily basis that is very important to setting your career path. You do it every time you make a new friend, mingle at a party, or attend any social event. And no,...