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Bipartisan Policy Center: Citizens Social
December 24, 2019
DC 101 True Power on Capitol Hill

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The Bipartisan Policy Center and We, The Pizza invite you to a Citizens Social Hour

When: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:30PM-7:00PM

Where: Upper Senate Park 200 New Jersey Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001


  •  Molly Barker, Founder, Girls on the Run
  • Senator Trent Lott, Senior Fellow, BPC and Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader
  •  Jason Grumet, President, Bipartisan Policy Center

view the inviation Social Hour Invite

The event celebrates the release of the Commission on Political Reform’s report: Governing in a Polarized Nation: A Bipartisan Blueprint To Strengthen Our Democracy. If you’re tired of political gridlock and partisan bickering, join us and learn how you can stand up for something different by becoming a Citizen for Political Reform. We’re seeking to raise awareness about the effort and share information on how young Americans can get involved. This is an informal speaking program featuring free pizza from We, the Pizza, t-shirts and other giveaways.

For more information contact: JORDAN LAPIER (202) 379-1630