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6 Things You Can Do Now to Nail That Spring Internship
January 24, 2017
Welcome Spring Interns!

Traditionally, winter is a time for self-reflection, moving slower and wishing spring would get here faster. Don’t worry, it’s on the way!

For interns, spring is the season for hiring. Are you ready? You may not know where to begin, so here are 6 things you can do now to nail that spring internship!

  1. Make your LinkedIn profile a killer

Your LinkedIn page is a living document; so get it up to date! It’s one of the first things employers check out when reading through applications. Align your photo, bio and work experience with your career goals (leave out the dog walking job you had 2 summers ago). Read our guide to creating an amazing LinkedIn page here.

2. Schedule a meeting with your Mentor

Whatever this looks like – visiting a teacher during office hours or taking your mom’s friend out for coffee, make a designated time to sit down and chat with your career mentor. Ask them questions about their own work life, and what worked/didn’t work for them. Pick their brains about your resume, what type of internships to apply for tomove your career forward and see if they have any contacts at places you want to work. Here’s some tips on finding an inspiring mentor

  1. Study your Industry

  • Subscribe to trade publications (or read them for free at the library).
  • Get to know thought leaders in your industry and connect with them on LinkedIn.
  • If you’re an out-of-towner and want to intern in D.C., research neighborhoods, housing pricing and so on.
  • Make this vision a reality before it happens.
  1. Learn How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee

We’re serious. As an intern, coffee fetching and coffee drinking is huge. Why not learn a little more about this magical potion? Show off a talent people will remember. It shows a desire for excellence which translates into the bigger job you’re doing.

We like these sources:

Fast Company – Six Top Baristas on How and Why to Make a Great Cup of Coffee

The Kitchn – The Secrets to Making a Spectacular Cup of Coffee: The Best Barista Reveals All!

  1. Start Saving Money

Savings, ha! Don’t laugh. Even if you can put away $10 a week with a part-time job it will help immensely. Host a garage sale, get creative with your friends [host a bake or host an event] or promise to stop going out to eat so much. You’ll need that extra money when you’re hard at work (making little or no money) at your internship. It’s best to have a little breathing room if you can.

  1. Create a Vision Board

In case you haven’t heard of a vision board, it’s a physical creation with specific images and words representing your dreams. You don’t have to be an artist to make one. grab a stack of magazines and cut out images to paste.

Want an internship in a tech office? Find a picture of the coolest office you can find and print it out. Want to live in D.C.? Find a picture of the neighborhood you want to live in. Add quotes that inspire you.

The more specific you make the items on your board, the chances of achieving them increases.

Put your vision board in a place you frequent often in your home, so that every time you see it you reinforce your goals and you’re inspired to make it a reality. (Plus – it’s a fun activity to do with friends!) This could include everything from the car you want to drive to your dream home in five years.

Read our article on creating a killer LinkedIn profile

Even if you’re not the most organized person in the world, commit to pre-planning things you can do now to nail that spring internship. Spring will be here soon and you will be ready!